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inversekinematics.hpp File Reference

Contains inverse kinematics algorithms. More...

#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <nlopt.hpp>
#include <unsupported/Eigen/AutoDiff>
#include "kinematics.hpp"
#include "math.hpp"
#include "model.hpp"

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struct  tinyrobotics::InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq >
 Options for inverse kinematics solver. More...


template<typename Scalar , int nv>
using tinyrobotics::ObjectiveFunction = std::function< Scalar(const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nv, 1 > &, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nv, 1 > &, void *)>
 Type definition for an objective function that takes an Eigen vector as input and returns a scalar value.


enum class  tinyrobotics::InverseKinematicsMethod {
 Solver methods for inverse kinematics. More...


template<typename Scalar , int n>
void tinyrobotics::eigen_to_nlopt (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, n, 1 > &eigen_vec, std::vector< Scalar > &nlopt_vec)
 Converts an Eigen vector to an std::vector.
template<typename Scalar , int n>
void tinyrobotics::nlopt_to_eigen (const std::vector< Scalar > &nlopt_vec, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, n, 1 > &eigen_vec)
 Converts an std::vector to an Eigen vector.
template<typename Scalar , int nv>
Scalar tinyrobotics::eigen_objective_wrapper (unsigned n, const Scalar *x, Scalar *grad, void *data)
 Wrapper function that converts input and output between NLopt and Eigen formats for an objective function.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Scalar tinyrobotics::cost (const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &q, Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &q0, Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &gradient, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Cost function for general inverse kinematics with analytical jacobian.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_nlopt (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using NLopt.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_jacobian (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using the Jacobian method.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_levenberg_marquardt (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_pso (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using Particle Swarm Optimization.
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_bfgs (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS).
template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics (Model< Scalar, nq > &model, const std::string &target_link_name, const std::string &source_link_name, const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &desired_pose, const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > q0, const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &options)
 Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using user specified method.

Detailed Description

Contains inverse kinematics algorithms.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ObjectiveFunction

template<typename Scalar , int nv>
using tinyrobotics::ObjectiveFunction = typedef std::function<Scalar(const Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, nv, 1>&, Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, nv, 1>&, void*)>

Type definition for an objective function that takes an Eigen vector as input and returns a scalar value.

Template Parameters
ScalarThe scalar type of the Eigen vector and the scalar return value.
nvThe size of the Eigen vector.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ InverseKinematicsMethod

Solver methods for inverse kinematics.


Jacobian method.


NLopt method.


Levenberg-Marquardt method.


Particle swarm optimization method.


BFGS method.

Function Documentation

◆ cost()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Scalar tinyrobotics::cost ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &  q,
Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &  q0,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > &  gradient,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Cost function for general inverse kinematics with analytical jacobian.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0Initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ eigen_objective_wrapper()

template<typename Scalar , int nv>
Scalar tinyrobotics::eigen_objective_wrapper ( unsigned  n,
const Scalar *  x,
Scalar *  grad,
void *  data 

Wrapper function that converts input and output between NLopt and Eigen formats for an objective function.

nThe size of the input vector.
xThe input vector in NLopt format.
gradThe gradient vector in NLopt format.
dataPointer to additional data that is passed to the objective function.
Template Parameters
ScalarThe scalar type of the Eigen vector and the scalar return value.
nvThe size of the Eigen vector.
The scalar value of the objective function.

◆ eigen_to_nlopt()

template<typename Scalar , int n>
void tinyrobotics::eigen_to_nlopt ( const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, n, 1 > &  eigen_vec,
std::vector< Scalar > &  nlopt_vec 

Converts an Eigen vector to an std::vector.

eigen_vecThe Eigen vector to convert.
nlopt_vecThe resulting std::vector.
Template Parameters
ScalarThe scalar type of the Eigen vector.
nThe size of the Eigen vector.

◆ inverse_kinematics()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using user specified method.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ inverse_kinematics_bfgs()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_bfgs ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS).

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ inverse_kinematics_jacobian()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_jacobian ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using the Jacobian method.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ inverse_kinematics_levenberg_marquardt()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_levenberg_marquardt ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ inverse_kinematics_nlopt()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_nlopt ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using NLopt.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ inverse_kinematics_pso()

template<typename Scalar , int nq>
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 > tinyrobotics::inverse_kinematics_pso ( Model< Scalar, nq > &  model,
const std::string &  target_link_name,
const std::string &  source_link_name,
const Eigen::Transform< Scalar, 3, Eigen::Isometry > &  desired_pose,
const Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, nq, 1 >  q0,
const InverseKinematicsOptions< Scalar, nq > &  options 

Solves the inverse kinematics problem between two links using Particle Swarm Optimization.

modeltinyrobotics model.
target_link_name{t} Link to which the transform is computed.
source_link_name{s} Link from which the transform is computed.
desired_poseDesired pose of the target link in the source link frame.
q0The initial guess for the configuration vector.
Template Parameters
Scalartype of the tinyrobotics model.
nqNumber of configuration coordinates (degrees of freedom).
The configuration vector of the robot model which achieves the desired pose.

◆ nlopt_to_eigen()

template<typename Scalar , int n>
void tinyrobotics::nlopt_to_eigen ( const std::vector< Scalar > &  nlopt_vec,
Eigen::Matrix< Scalar, n, 1 > &  eigen_vec 

Converts an std::vector to an Eigen vector.

nlopt_vecThe std::vector to convert.
eigen_vecThe resulting Eigen vector.
Template Parameters
ScalarThe scalar type of the Eigen vector.
nThe size of the Eigen vector.